Here we are in St John's Street - lots of gorgeous colleges on this street

There's St John's for starters....

Here's the girls outside the chapel at St John's

Trinity College has a post box on the street out front

And the inside of Trinity is quite beautiful too.

We wandered past a nice college and took a look at map inside the passageway to find out we were at the legendary Gonville and Caius College... here's the map.

Lucy decided to waltz straight past the porter and through the college entrance...

....and waltzed right on through the courtyard.

This is us in Tree Court

...and here's us again in Cauis Court (it's pronounced 'keys').

As a gardener herself, Nanny Dawn admired the borders.

A wobbly moment.

Another happy couple shot (we got a grown up to take it this time).

More of the Keezees at Caius

The stone engraving on top of the passageway tells us where we are in Latin (in case we don't speak English) - it's "CAIVS"

A nice quiet and shady moment

And here's Gonville and Caius from the main street.

The girls stopped outside St Mary's Church to admire the junior orchestra. Some of the players were as young as Lucy.

The entrance to King's College is very grand....

... from whatever angle you view it.

St Catharine's College (I believe that is the correct spelling, by the way)

Corpus Christi College was closed apparently, but we still snuck a shot in.

Not sure who these people are... perhaps some American tourists.

Not much of a photo this, but notable due to the fact that we spotted Stirling Mortlock in town, when he should have been back home preparing for the big test against the All Blacks.
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