Here we are at the Abinger Hammer Cricket Club having a picnic, sunglasses on, waiting for the game to begin.
Yes, the town is called Abinger Hammer and the town clock has a bloke with a hammer banging on a bell (not sure why, but it looks very symbolic).

Still waiting for the game to start, but thumbs up for a nice lunch

The players made it out just in time for Lucy to take control of the camera

Here's Lucy winning the 20m dash at her school sports day. Actually I think there was more to it than just running 20m, but she is definitely showing some speed here.....

.... not to mention a cheesy grin for first place!

we are happy to announce that Caiti's toilet training is coming along very nicely..... this is the sort of photo that appears at 21st's

And here we are enjoying the lake at Frensham Great Pond. It's a man-made lake (or pond), dug up in the 14th century (or thereabouts). Nice for a sunbake and a sail... the swimming is a bit dodgy though.
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