Anyway, we drove down to Brighton the other week to check out what goes on there - apparently lots does. It seemed like a nice warm day and we had visions of swimming and lying in the sun. The sun was out most of the time, but the chilly wind meant that it wasn't much of a day for swimming and sunbaking.
We checked out the pier, the rides and the shops before heading down to the pebbly beach. The pebbles are a bit hard on the feet, but surprising nice to lie on - a bit like a full-body masseur sandal, and by strategically placing ourselves between the pier and the prevailing sou'-westerly breeze, we managed to get out of the wind and did in the end have a nice lie on the beach - which is something we hadn't done in a long time!

No points for guessing, but here we are at Brighton Pier...

... and from another angle.

We didn't use the towels for swimming, but they did come in handy on the windward side of the pier

Go Brighton!

There's lots of rides on The Pier, even a kids dodgems. Jo was fascinated by the "Super Dooper" where punters pay £8 to get hurled through the air like a trainee astronaut. Sadly, she didn't have a go herself.

The leeward side of the pier was nice

There's lots of 1920's throwback diversions...

...and rides for the kids.

Relaxing on the beach (with ice creams quickly melting)

At least you don't have to worry about getting sand off the kids, aren't we happy about that?...

.... the seaweed of course is another matter.

Artistic watery shot

The girls were getting a bit tired by the time we visited the Royal Pavilion

The locals seem to love it though.
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