This is now our second Christmas in the UK and we certainly miss everybody back home at this time of year - the cold and dark doesn't help. Nonetheless, it is a fun time of year here with all the Christmas lights, Christmas markets, the endless soundtrack of "classic Christmas songs" on radio and TV (many of which we'd never heard before), not to mention the offer of mince pies and mulled wine everywhere you go.
Our trip to Paris forced us to download the pictures off the camera, and we've got lots to share. So we thought we might share a couple of Christmassy and otherwise non-classifiable snaps.

Christmas Tree 1: Our tree, with assorted mess for good measure.

Christmas Tree 2: This was the tree at the hotel we stayed in Paris.

The girls looking cute at Wisley Gardens (or Wisley Gardener, as Caiti calls it).

A nice shady tree at Wisley Gardener.

A wild Panda at Wisley Gardener.

Big Red Tractor.

A couple of snaps of us enjoying the autumn sun in Windsor Great Park.

Halt, who goes there.

Caiti loves her football.

Lucy was quite proud of the gingerbread man she made.

Lucy and Caiti earlier this month, on the occasion of Lucy's 6th birthday.

The Birthday Cake - that's six candles.

Here's the girls at Lucy's school Book Parade Dress-up day. Princesses were popular dress-up that day apparently.

Lucy performing in her school production of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Lucy had the role of spoilt brat Veruka Salt - and was very good according to a number of critics.

Here's Lucy soon after her school Nativity play. Lucy was one of King Herod's soldiers and sang a rousing ditty called "Herod the Great, he's the ruler of us all".
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