Here's some pics from the day we stumbled upon Chartwell House - Winston Churchill's old house - after getting slightly lost driving around the Surrey-Kent border with Nanny Dawn. We were on our way back from a spot of shopping at Royal Tunbridge Wells (which, in case you didn't know, is pronounced "Royal Tunbridge Wells Daaaarling").
We saw the trusty National Trust tourist attraction sign by the side of the road, so thought we'd take a side trip and pop in for a look. It was actually quite interesting, and has a very lovely garden. Wouldn't be a bad place to live actually so long as you don't mind hundreds of visitors wandering through your place everyday.
Here's the pics....
The sign
The girls and the house
The girls and the garden
The girls, the house and the roses
The happy couple in front of the croquet lawn - we're thinking of putting in a croquet lawn at home!
Sometimes we just can't keep the smile off Lucy's face
Caiti found a nice spot to sit
The girls and the green hills
Caiti's new top and Keezee's old one.
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