Our destination for this week's adventure is Stonehenge, in case you haven't already guessed. According to the T-shirts and pencils on sale in the giftshop, Stonehenge Rocks! We reckon they're right - it's a cool place, in every sense of the word. We bought a pencil to prove it.
Probably the only disappointing thing about Stonehenge are the two A-roads (ie. main roads) that run right by the site. One actually cuts right through the ancient earthworks that formed the Avenue leading to the monument. You have to walk through a tunnel under the road to get from the carpark to the monument and then stare back across the road to the ancient barrows (burial mounds) in the distance.
It would have been an impressive sight in 2008BC walking up the Avenue after three weeks of tough hiking from the cave in West Byfleet. Still, we have to admit, popping over the hill on the A303 after an hour or so's drive and seeing Stonehenge right there in front of you, is pretty impressive too. The Sat Nav was telling us we were getting close, but we didn't realise we were that close.
Good news though! The English Heritage organisation that manages Stonehenge (amongst quite a few other interesting places) has plans to tunnel and remove the roads so the entire site can return to something more akin to its original state.
Anyway, hope you enjoy our pics!

As you can see it was the usual story of someone take the photo of everyone else in the family (Lucy was even behind the lense at one stage) until we met a nice lady from New Zealand who took a photo of all of us. In return, we kindly didn't mention anything about the Rugby World Cup.
And in other news:
* It snowed on Thursday! Just in time for the school pickup on Lucy's first day back for Winter Term - how appropriate. Nice big fat snowflakes! We tried to get phtotos, but it melted as soon as it hit the ground, as it was quite a warm 3deg on the ground.
* We've taken the Christmas Tree down
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