Saturday, 22 December 2007

Birthday Girl

Lucy's birthday party was an event to be remembered. As much as she missed family and friends from Aus, it didn't stop her from getting right into it. We had a relatively quiet night on her actual birthday (at least by our standards) with a nice dinner and Scooby Doobie Doo cake...

But the main event was a week or so later when we visited The Big Apple.... no not New York City, but the much more exciting Big Apple indoor entertainment centre in Woking. The party circuit has been pretty hectic since Lucy started school in September, and The Big Apple is a popular venue with slides, ballpits and all the red cordial you can drink.
Actually, it's hard not to compare Woking with NYC: there's the world-class shopping (Woolworths, TK Maxx), sky-scrapers as far as the eye can see (the Council Chambers), local hoodlums hangin' with their posse in the mall, and of course the busy riverside port (The Basingstoke Canal); but its the Big Apple that sets the two apart... I don't think NYC has its equal.

Anyhow, here's some pics of the action from the big event......

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