We headed off to West Wittering beach because we heard it was big and has plenty of room to park. Only problem was, the rest of London had heard the same thing. The line of cars driving in went for miles, but when we finally made it, we could see it really was the biggest car park ever created. In fact some people liked it so much they were having their picnics right there amongst the cars.
"Charles, I know we've driven for 3 hours, but let's not worry about walking 100 yards to the sand, let's break out the strawberries n cream right here next to the Vauxhall!"
"Brilliant idea Camilla!"
It was nice to the see the ocean again, but with a howling onshore, it wasn't the most pleasant beach we've ever been to. The sand was quite shingley, but if you're an avid shell collector like Lucy, this is a good thing. The wind was actually quite cool, so we had a quick dip and a look around before heading off.
Caiti was a bit of a daredevil in the water and managed to swallow half the English Channel for her troubles. Afterwards she went for a wander up the beach to introduce herself to the hundreds of thousands of people sitting around. They'd say "hello" and she'd respond "Cold" - just in case they were wondering.

Shoes on to walk over the rocks.

These guys have got an easy job we reckon, but maybe this was a good day. There was a sign we saw on the way in that said "Beware: Offshore Winds Can KILL" - honest.

No sand, but good if you like collecting shells.

Caiti went hard in the water, but when she got out, she learnt a new word: "Cold!"

The hoardes..... we need to buy one of those wind shelters. Haven't seen them on sale anywhere, but everyone's got one.
1 comment:
caiti is growing up cant wait to see you all
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