Anyway, we've finally got the chance to post a few pick pics of what's been happening lately... hope you enjoy....

Caiti's first day at pre-school (or nursery as it's called here). It was persisting down with rain that day, hence the full-body suit.
Lucy was chucking a sickie that day (she's still an Aussie!!) which explains why she's still in her PJ's.

Our old mate Jen took a break from her rugby commitments in Ireland (she's a coach's assistant, or some such thing) and popped over to London to catchup for a few days . It was great to see a friendly face and the girl's took the opportunity to spend an afternoon shopping in Windsor - which probably explains the big smiles.

Caiti loves Windsor.... here she is soaking up the royal ambience.

The weather got so nice a couple of weeks ago, we met up with a few friends from Lucy's school at Keezee's favourite pub, The Anchor. It was a beautiful day, although we only have the one photo to prove the sun does come out in winter.

Lucy has started karate lessons. She's really enjoying it so far, but it's a tough sport and much physical strength and mental discipline is required. Here we show her in one of the tougher tests of standing outside barefoot in her "gi" to pose for a photo, despite it being minus 4 degrees (honest - we have a thermometer to prove it).

Told you it was cold.
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