Saturday 22 December 2007

Fireworks in the Bedroom

Just looking through some photos we dowloaded recently and found these shots taken on (or near) bonfire night, when most of the UK sounds like a warzone for a week or so.

These are shots of the bloke's house two doors down, taken from our bedroom - a good excuse for a humourous blog title at least. It acts as proof that my earlier comments about the availability of industrial strength fireworks were accurate. This guy had a few of his mates over for a bit of fun at 9pm on a rainy Sunday night... what a nutter. Still it made for some spectacular viewing from the boudoir.

To give some indication of scale, that's a proper full-size tree to the left

And that's the roof eaves to the top left, so we're talking fireworks that shoot a couple of hundred feet into the air here (we reckon)

The show went on for about 20 minutes.... more than enough time for Keezee to perfect his time exposure technique for fireworks photography

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