Without going into unnecessary details, Keezee (and his sat-nav) missed the turn off on the way out of Galway and got us hopelessly lost as we criss-crossed our way across the narrow County Clare back roads. We ended up arriving about 3 hours behind schedule, and still had to get onto Killarney, where we were booked for the night, so it ended up being a bit of a quick visit. We still took time to enjoy the view on what was quite a nice afternoon. We did make it to Killarney eventually, thanks to the Irish summer twilight which just seems to go on forever.
It's a walk up the cliffs, and there's a tower at the top - presumably for those who wish to take in the view from a bit higher up??
This is the most dangerous bit, where fence is a touch rickety, so we have to keep a good hold on Caiti.
Looking back south over the surfie town of Lahinch / Lehinch (seems like you can spell it both ways)
Lucy (like her mum) loves the tourist gift shops, and here she is showing off her Irish doll (whose name we've forgotten) and her "I ♥ Ireland" hoodie.
The view