We can't believe it either, but Caiti's started at school. All good so far - learning, making friends, doing her homework, blitzing computer studies (applying her advanced internet gaming skills) and finishing at midday each day, cause she's a "summer born".
Anyway, there's a big demand to see some photos, so here's some Nanna Julie took when she was here. Caiti started a few days after Lucy, and Nanna actually left the weekend before Caiti's first day, so we did a special dress up for the cameras in our new backyard!
And here's Lucy on her first day back at school - all fired up for another big year!
Well it's been a while - we hope everyone's well. Our only excuse is that we've moved house and it's taken a while for the broadband to get reconnected. Still, we haven't been idle... apart from the nightmare that is moving house, we have managed to squeeze in a holiday to Norfolk and get out and about and enjoy summer - which has been surprisingly acceptable this year. Plenty of photos taken, so stay tuned as usual.
The new house is in Woodham, which is about two streets away from where we used to live even though it's another village and in another borough. The two places are separated by the famous (or infamous for some) Basingstoke Canal - now we have to cross the canal to get to school, work, shops, etc. So now there's even more chance of spotting a long boat in our travels.
With this blog being on the internet and all, we haven't really advertised exactly where we live, and as a result we never posted a very cute video of Lucy taking us on a tour of our old house, which was actually filmed not long after we first moved in. [The girls have changed so much since then!] Anyway, since we don't live there anymore, we thought "why not?". So here for your enjoyment is 'little' Lucy's fabulous house tour... watch out for the last room, it's great!