Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Caitlin's Graduation

As you may have heard, Caiti's off to big school in September (no we can't believe it either) and today she had a special graduation ceremony at her nursery/pre-school. The photos were so cute we had to show them....

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Out and about with Lucy

Today we have a special posting updating all of Lucy's friends and fans on what she's been up to lately.

We begin with a bit of indoor tennis: The Brits are starting to take this Wimbledon thing seriously and now all school children learn tennis for 3 hours every day. It seems like a good plan, but I get the feeling there's something missing - a tennis ball and court perhaps:

Not sure what's going on in this next one. Looks as if it must have been "frog hat" day at school:

Here she is as The Wicked Witch of the West (Byfleet) - scary eh?:

Striking a pose at ballet class:

All that ballet training paid off at the school summer BBQ (which was an absolute screamer, by the way) when she and her ballet class danced in front of a huge crowd. We captured some of the performance on (low quality) video for your enjoyment: