Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Out and About

We've got lots of pics waiting to be downloaded from our camera.... the problem is, we have one of those mega-huge memory cards that you never have to download. Anyway, we'll get around to it sooner or later, but in the meantime, here's a few pics from more of our adventures from a few months back....

Right then. This first lot are from the day Keezee had to drop Jo and her mates off at a charity run for cancer in Guildford. The girls had a lovely time and raised a few quid for a good cause. But while that was all going on, Keezee took the opportunity to try out the walking paths around nearby St Martha's Hill. The countryside around Guildford is very nice for a walk and Keezee thoroughly enjoyed his, taking a few snaps for good measure.

And next we have a few shots of one of our favourite spots to visit, Waverley Abbey, from the day we visited with Nanny Dawn. It was a hot one actually.... check out the red faces on the girls....

How's the serenity?

That was some type of WWII bomber that sailed over our heads while we were there... not sure what type, but it flew by pretty close.

Friday, 10 October 2008

The Sound of Music

These pics are a bit old - from back in May - but Lucy would be devastated if we didn't show you our adventures from the day we went into London to see The Sound of Music.

Lucy and Nana were the lucky ones with the tickets, the rest of us spent the afternoon wandering the streets looking for interesting shops (Jo), museums (Keezee) and large statues (Caiti). A good afternoon was had by all despite a gross navigational error by Keezee, as he tried to find his way back to the London Palladium Theatre for the pickup. (Let's just say, we have now seen Goodge Street tube station from every direction).

Let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to start). Here's the girls all done up like Austrian Fräuleins, getting ready to go.

We love going into London for the day, getting a good seat on the train, reading the paper and then taking a photo of it all. These are a few of our favourite things.

Nana's probably not happy we've posted this pic, because she wasn't looking at the camera.... she was looking up at Big Ben, checking we weren't going to be late.

We bumped into our old mate, the bloke on the horse again.

A typical London shot... the cab, the Union Jack and the garbage truck.

We made it to the theatre with plenty of time to spare, and were delighted to find that Australia's second favourite son (after Jack 'Ruki' Baillieu), Simon Burke, was starring as The Captain.

We walked from Waterloo, but it would have been quicker to get a cab.

Keezee dragged the girls all through the British Museum, but they kept smiling regardless.

Caiti and her big statue. For the record, after this shot she decided to scream "Rooaarr" for the rest of the afternoon - brilliant!