Anyway, whilst Nanny Dawn was here, Mr & Mrs Keezee managed to sneak away for a weekend in Bath without the kids (you could call it a 'clean' weekend) - thanks Nanny Dawn!. It was great and we saw lots of good stuff including some fascinating Roman ruins, with the only problem being our brand spanking new camera running out of battery-life after 3 photos. Someone forgot to bring the battery charger, so it wasn't looking good. Luckily that someone remembered he has a camera on his phone, so all was not lost. So, as long as you don't mind looking at blurry, low-res images of nice buildings..... great.. here goes then...

Here's the 3 shots we did get with the new camera.....
.....and here come the mobile phone shots.....

The Circus - note the colourful pig up there on the right...

There's the street name carved into the building... very Roman!

Warning... Warning... wife looking in antique jewellery shop.... Warning... Warning...

The houses in bath look a lot like this..

There were colourful pigs everywhere we looked
(I might need to reword that, actually)

See what I mean?

The general scene at 10pm... the British summer does afford the opportunity to have a nice walk at night (the British winter does not!).

Yep, another colourful pig.... this one is in the Roman Baths.. that's lovely warm (and green) spa water there

Jo at the Roman Baths, with the Abbey behind... very nice.

More from the Roman Baths. It's hard to believe that this place got buried under the mud and was forgotten about for around 1500 years, only to be discovered again when some plumbers were digging a sewerage pipe in the late 1800's and dug up the head of a Roman God Statue (something like that anyway) They're still digging up new bits today - amazing!

Roman Centurion pig outside the local church.

The pub across the road from our hotel (and next to Centurion Pig Church), is called the Saracen's Head - love the logo!