So, after all the excitement of the snow died down, we decided to take a drive and find a nice pub for lunch - which we did; the Wotton Hatch has been renovated (although it seemed quite OK last time we visited with Nana & Pop) and looks as if it's now run by Aussies. On the way we passed by our old stomping ground of Newlands Corner and were delighted to find the hillside covered in a thin blanket of snow. It wasn't downhill powder stuff, but there was certainly enough white stuff for a snowball fight and a few pics - there were even some kids tobogganing and making a snowman - wow!
Poor little Caiti had already had too much excitement, and missed all the fun as she was crashed out in the car, but Lucy got right into it. She has since learned that snow is rather cold on the hands, and gloves are advisable of you plan to make a large number of snowballs to throw at your family.

Here we are at a snowy Newlands Corner

Lucy looked remarkably calm before the snowfight

The Snowfight

Mum avoided the snowfight for a while, until Lucy got her with a beauty.... the camera was quickly moved to a safe place.
After we brushed ourselves off and Lucy got over her frostbitten hands, we moved on to Shere to see if there were any goods pubs to eat. Shere is a lovely old village but a bit of a tourist trap at times - the road is so narrow you see, that tourists get trapped in, unable to get out as other tourists arrive. Still, we did manage to take some nice photos and make our escape.

The war memorial and church at Shere

Lucy at the church at Shere (yes, she looks cute with her teddy bear, but it was in fact a secret weapon used to make more snowballs, which she then threw at everyone - no more snow for Lucy).

The White Horse pub was a contender for lunch, but was a bit on the busy side, what with all the tourists and the fact that Man U v Liverpool was about to start.

Lucy and Auntie Tracey (in a hastily borrowed coat) on the narrow, but quaint, tourist trap street