We haven't had too many photo opportunities lately, what with visitors and post Christmas sales being on (some good bargains!), and as a result the blog has been suffering. So we thought we might post some pics from before Christmas when we went to Bockett's farm, at nearby Bookham, for a spot of pig racing.
We were actually there to check it out as a potential location for Lucy's birthday party - it's great fun, but a little too cold in December - but when we found out the pig races were on, we headed for the course.
This one was taken just to show where we are, but also now explains how Caitlin ended up with mud all over.
Excited punters
The field
And they're off.....
And the winner was..... we forgot, but we didn't have any money on it.So that was the pig racing...... but believe it or not, there's more than just pig racing at Bockett's Farm. We enjoyed feeding sheep, milking a goat (don't ask), seeing all sorts of farm animals, working our way through the maze and playing on the all the equipment. When I say "we" I mean all of us.... even Mum went down the slide!
How to milk a (pretend) cow.
How not to milk to a (real) goat.(The cameraman got in trouble for not supervising the children shortly after taking this shot)
Lucy seems to make friends wherever she goes.
The big bouncy thing was voted second best fun thing of the day.
The slide won the first best fun thing award.
Pretending to be Pop at the farm.... Pop's tractor is bigger though.
There's a sign saying "Please do not feed the animals"..... so here's another example of the camera-person's lack of adult supervision.